It has been a quiet week since Monday 4 October. Water levels have been inching down by the day making conditions more challenging, although fish are there. John Goold and his son won the AST auction bid for 3 days fishing on Cardrona. They also had the option of fishing Horsbrugh (the opposite bank) and were ably guided by Kenny Annand. We heard that they ended up with one salmon and one sea trout, off Horsbrugh, so congratulations to them both, as we believe the salmon was a 'first'.
Iain Bain managed to save the week with a 12 pounder off Cardrona on Friday evening.
Of course, there is more to fishing than catching fish, we spotted this strange caterpillar munching on some riparian leaves, doing its bit for bank maintenance. A quick email to our moth specialist identified it as
Deilephila elpenor, or a large elephant hawkmoth to you and me......
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